woensdag 22 september 2010

Media exposure 003

Detail from the front page of the newspaper "Tubantia / Twentsche
Courant", Sept. 17th, 2010.

The models are, left to right:
Carla, in 1975 Piave glasses
Hiska, in late 1950's cat eye glasses
Nel, in Christian Olivier "Formlenti" myodiscs

Hiska holds another pair of myodiscs (Rx -25.00) in her right hand.
These were called the "Snowy Princess" by SGS from China who
supplied them to me, a few months ago. Hiska can be seen wearing
these glasses near the end of her photo shoot and also in the up
coming video registration of the opening and the catwalk.

The glasses between the newspaper photographer and the ladies
are the early 1990's Flair blended myodiscs (-14) in which most
of my models posed. Carla used them to great effect during the
second part of the catwalk

2 opmerkingen:

  1. Waar is de videorgistratie te bekijken
    Gr Kees

  2. http://www.youtube.com/user/lentilux

    Er staan nu drie clips op, de komende weken volgt de rest!
