vrijdag 23 april 2010

Lettie 162

Lentilux was developed as an alternative for
the traditional myodiscs, essentally in the same
way varifocals were developed as a discrete
alternative for bifocals.
Lentilux has its gains and losses. Seen "en face",
there are no power rings and there is no "cut in"
effect. However, the previous portrait of Lettie
shows that the positive carrier lens creates its
own problems, both for the owner and the viewer.

In a way, traditional myodiscs say "what you
see is what you get" (an extreme myope for whom
this was the last remedy), just like bifocals say
"hey, I'm over 45, take it or leave it".

Whereas varifocal glasses have made bifocals almost
a thing of the past, Lentilux has not achieved the same
success. Lentilux glasses remained white ravens in
the streets and I beleive they are now fully extinct.
But it was a fascinating invention and seeing Lentilux
glasses in real life was really something else.

Many thanks, Lettie, for posing in Lentilux!

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